A radiotherapy mask is made from thermoplastic material and customized for each patient. The thermoplastic mask for radiotherapy fixes the patient’s head under the radiotherapy device during treatment so that the tissue around the tumor is protected as much as possible. The success of radiotherapy depends largely on the optimal position of the patient, which is ensured by the appropriate thermoplastic radiotherapy mask and a support for the patient’s head and neck. In relation to the cost of radiotherapy, the radiotherapy mask cost is kept within limits. With the RPS head, radiation therapy masks from different manufacturers can be easily attached to the patient table. There are no additional costs for the radiotherapy masks, because the previous systems can still be used. The RPS head allows angular corrections and thus improves the results of the treatment.
Imaging techniques are essential for stereotactic radiotherapy of brain metastases. The more accurately that stereotactic radiotherapy for brain metastases can be delivered, the fewer side effects patients will experience.
The innovative Halcyon radiotherapy system uses optimized image-guided radiotherapy to further reduce the side effects of brain radiotherapy and improve patient safety during brain radiotherapy. The Halcyon radiotherapy system is particularly fast and quiet, optimizing patient comfort. The RPS head also adds convenience, as the individual radiotherapy mask is easily attached to the patient table and allows for additional angular corrections through a simple manual system to keep radiotherapy side effects to a minimum.
Stereotactic radiotherapy for the brain is extremely precise. High single doses can be directed very specifically at the affected tissue during radiotherapy for cancer of the head and neck. This is important because radiotherapy for the brain inevitably takes place in sensitive structures and the surrounding tissue …
Stereotactic image guidance results in an even higher quality of radiotherapy. This is because stereotactic image guidance means that imaging takes place directly on the irradiation device, so that ongoing monitoring enables greater precision and thus greater safety …
Radiotherapy equipment images improve the effectiveness of radiotherapy for brain tumors. In the radiotherapy plan, the location and size of the tumor can be precisely identified through imaging. Physicians and radiation physicists jointly determine the radiation dose on the basis of CT images on the computer …
According to industry estimates, the radiotherapy market is growing by six to ten percent each year. Studies on the global growth in the radiotherapy market correlate with the increase in cancer cases. Accordingly, brain cancer radiotherapy will also continue to grow. Combined with new therapies, brain cancer radiotherapy will further …
Radiotherapy is commonly used to treat brain tumors because it is usually gentler than surgery. Head and neck radiotherapy are continuously being developed and improved for the benefit of patients. Radiotherapy for brain tumors is usually fractionated, which means that several radiation sessions are …
Radiotherapy for brain cancer may be combined with other therapies, such as chemotherapy or surgery. Because of the head’s easy mobility, immobilization is very important during radiotherapy to the area of the head or neck. For this purpose, a treatment mask is modeled which can be fixed to the treatment table via …